SM South Rotarians Serve Mountain Communities of Diana Laura & Via de Guadalupe
In mid-January of 2012, a group of four SM South Rotarians and three of their family members set off for La Paz to identify how best to further educational and economic development of the mountain communities of Diana Laura and Via de Guadalupe. The club first became acquainted with these communities as a result of Ken and Diane Parker meeting members of now sister-club Bahia de La Paz Club Rotario at District 5240's first Poverty Conference in San Diego. Rotary Santa Maria South first went to La Paz in 2005, following up with trips to provide shade and paint for the Diana Laura school and the first sewing machines and micro-loans for mothers in the community.
Eight sewing machines were taken down to La Paz this trip, enabling more mothers in the mountain communities to engage in micro-enterprise. Once again, club members were welcomed by sister club members who served as both guides and partners for the journey. Needs at the Diana Laura school were significant, but the happy news was that progress had been made since the previous visit. Needs at the Via de Guadalupe school were much greater...only two classrooms, eighty students and no electricity. But the students were learning, the teachers were dedicated and hardworking and the Bahia de La Paz sister club was doing amazing work. In addtion to the sewing machines, some school supplies and soccer ball were provided for the students, with lots of ideas generated on what needs doing next time!
See the full trip journal in our International Service section and take a look at the photos with this article. Thanks to all who particpated in the La Paz trip...Ken and Diane Parker for organizing the trip, President-Elect Jane Kokkinakis and husband George, daughter Alex, as well as Diane Balay and grandson David, for all their support of the club's project!