Orcutt Academy High School Interact Charter Night a Big Success!
In an event at he Orcutt Academy High School Multipurpoe center on January 30th, Rotary Santa Maria South was pleased to present the new Orcutt Academy High School Interact club its charter from Rotary Internaonal, its bell for opening and closing meetings, and its first president's gavel. The OAHS Interact Club, part of the internationa Interact program of Rotary to mentor 14-18 year olds in leadership and community service, is being sponsored by Rotary Santa Maria South. Remarks by District 5240 Governor Wade Nomura and District Interact Chair John Weiss highligted the importance of the occasion and the commitment of service being made by the students. Videos showing amazing work of other Interactors were shown, and as a leadership exercise, Interact students introduced the speakers above as well as Phil Norton, Interact faculty advisor; Jane Kokkinakis, Rotary Santa Maria South's Interact liaison and Victoria Conner, Rotary Santa Maria South Club president. OAHS Principal Ted Lyons provided opening remarks thanking the Rotary club for its sponsorship of the campus Interact. Dr. Ken Parker, whose efforts with OAHS started the Interact club deveopment process, led attendees in the Star Spangled Banner.
Interact Board members Jacky Sharp (president), Haylee Thomas (vice president), Yanelly Rodriguez (secretary), Itzel Barrara (Treasurer), and directors Judith Sanchez (community service), Enzo Stagnaro (club service), Jordan Bashline (finance) and Maddy Cross (international understanding) were inducted and President Jacky Sharp provided remarks on what plans the club had for community service. Adam Johnson read Interact club member names as the new club members came up to receive their Interact pins.
Photos of the Interact's participation in Winter Wonderland and Salvation Army bellringing were shown and the new Interact Club was honored with a start-up $100 donation from the Interact Club of Nipomo.
Rotary Santa Maria South and Interactors brought items for a dessert silent auction and the Club will have a total of $500 with which to open its first account.
Congratulations to all Interactors!