Club Goals and Activities for 2011-2012 Announced
Community Service Co-Chair David Bixby and other service chairs shared their goal and plans for the year at the first meeting of the Rotary 2011-2012 year. The club will once again contribute $200/month to the Food Bank and donate one work day; members will organize three feeds at the Good Sam Shelter, and several youth and senior outreach/support activities are in the planning stages.
The club's International Service committee, which has spearheaded the drilling of five water wells in Zambia, will monitor progress on this effort an will identify and fulfill basic school needs of a village school adopted by the Rotary Santa Maria South' sister club in La Paz.
Vocational Service goals include offering members an opportunity to share information about their vocations, hosting three vocational-related offsites,and organizing an essay contest/scholarship around Rotary's Four-Way Test.
Sponsoring a new Interact Club at the Orcutt Academy as well as helping to collaboratively establish a community-based Rotaract Club are the key goals of the New Generatons Avenue of Service.
A goal of 35 active members for the club has been set for the 2011-2012 year, with streamlining of the membership induction process and the development of an orientation packet/program also planned.