Club Assembly Garners Local Community Service Ideas
Now that Rotary Santa Maria South, in cooperation with Nipomo Rotarians and the Rotary Club of Santa Maria, has submitted a District grant for its La Paz efforts, it was time to expand its local community service efforts, as well. President Jane held a Club Assembly to garner ideas for local hands-on efforts as well as worthy organizations to which to contribute. The list engendered was long, but interesting, garnered by asking "To what organizations do you as a member currently contribute?", "What organizations do you volunteer for?" and "What would you help with if you had time?"
Organizations/Causes for Potential Funding included:
Beautitude House in Guadalupe (medicine, shelter, etc.); Orcutt Children's Art Foundation; SOAR (Supporting Orcutt Academy Resources); sponsorship of a classroom; Robotics sponsorship; Salvation Army $5 gift certificates for distribution to their clients; Central Coast Rescue Mission sponsorship of something for their rehab program; Good Sam donation of socks, underwear at the holidays and other times; room sponsorship for Domestic Violence Solutions; Community Partners in Caring; hosting a "Rotary Day" for free entry to Discover Museum; sponsor 4 CET students ($250 ea for eyeglasses, shoes, other needs); funding for CASA volunteer training; sponsorship of a third grade Spelling Bee or Math Bowl; sponsorship of a motivational speaker for at-risk kids, to be organized as a signature event for Rotary Santa Maria South. Also mentioned: funding Christmas bags for CASA kids, providing laundry soap for Good Sam (100 people x 2 loads/week).
Activities to support:
Gently-used handbags and toiletries for women of Good Sam or Domestic Violence Solutions; respite care to support Community Partnars in Caring or Central Coast Commission on Senior Citizens; work day at Domestic Violence Solutions; possibly packing CASA Christmas bags.
A committee was established to review suggestions and make recommendations: Tony Cravello, Joe Gallas, Pat Haley, Maria Harshbarger, Ken and Diane Parker, Bob Peterson volunteered.